Talks will be held at the Northside Library, 705 Rio Road W, Charlottesville,VA
All talks are from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, followed by Q&A

Sept 29th:  PMH Atwater, L.H.D., Ph.D. (Hon.)
Topic:  Children of the 5th World

About the talk:
The past three decades have seen a quantum leap in the intuitive, creative, and abstract-thinking abilities of children as well as an unprecedented rise in incidences of ADHD, dyslexia, and autism spectrum disorders.  As Dr. Atwater explains, we are witnessing evolution at work.  The changes in brain function, evident in these “new kids” signal the widespread emergence of the Fifth Root Race and our transition into the greater aspects of the Fifth World.  She reveals how these children, born with universal consciousness encoded in their DNA, act as agents of world change by reflecting back every misguided aspect of business, politics, religion, entertainment, and culture so we can’t ignore what needs to be repaired.  They are change-makers!

P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978.  Some of her findings in the near-death field have been verified in clinical studies, among them the prospective study done in Holland and published in Lancet Medical Journal.  She has written 15 books on the subject, published in over 12 countries.  A generational researcher as well, she has noticed how similar children born since around 1982 are to kids who had a near-death experience.  This sparked her curiosity about evolution and how what is happening now compares to esoteric literature on “root races” (core DNA patterning).  Her book, Children of the Fifth World, explores this in-depth as well as giving advice and resources for those seeking to better understand our “new” children.

October 13th  Deborah Wray MFT
Topic: What Shamanism can offer the Modern World

About the talk:
Shamanism is an ancient practice in which practitioners reach altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with the spirit world.  By channeling these transcendental energies into this world, shamanic practitioners are able to heal and promote the health and well-being of individuals and the community.

Shamanism has been around for thousands of years and some researchers believe that shamanistic practices were an essential element in human evolution.  But in today’s high-tech world of advanced medicine, we might wonder what do these seemingly primitive practices have to offer us?  After all, we have been taught to place our trust in the rational mind and processes that can be scientifically explained, demonstrated and proven.

Yet interest in shamanism has resurged. It’s at an all-time high – making headline news – with feature stories in publications ranging from the MIT News and Huffington Post to Fox News-Health, and News Week. Shamanism asks big questions and by bridging the distance between the past and present, can help to deepen our understanding of ourselves, and our world.

Deborah will discuss the key universal principles and practices of shamanism. She will explain shamanistic techniques such as soul retrieval, journeying in alternate realities and extraction practices, and how they can help people access deep healing states, acquire guidance and cultivate relationships with personal guides, and regain health and well-being. Deborah brings humor and spontaneity to a topic she loves and has made a way of life.

Deborah Wray has been studying energy medicine for over 20 years. The primary focus of her work derives from studies with Peruvian shaman. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Hollins University, she also earned a Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is a graduate of Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s Healing The Light Body School where she taught for over 6 years.
Deborah is the founder of THE GATEWAY SCHOOL OF SHAMANISM, dedicated to supporting students, through the utilization of ancient indigenous practices, to heal their wounds and create meaningful lives. Students may explore Masters classes in Advanced Dreaming and Manifestation, Divination, and Mastering the Healing Skills of the Shaman. Deborah and her husband sponsor Sacred Journeys to Peru for students who wish to experience the power of sacred sites, ceremony, and working with indigenous shaman. Please go to for a schedule of all classes and Peru Trips. Deborah also maintains a private practice in Shamanic Energy Medicine in the Charlottesville VA area, working over the phone or in person.

October 27th   Fred Oesch
Environmental Design Architect
Topic: Biophilic Design, and the Eco Village Earth

About the talk:
“Biophilic Design is a unique art form, analogous to the ‘pure’ arts, which affects the consciousness and experience of the participating observer.”  Biophilic (Living) Design embraces an urgent and far reaching purpose and responsibility, with a direct inter-relationship to the evolution and quality of life on Earth.”  By adopting the principals of Living Design, both existing and formative eco-conscious communities may achieve a symbiotic Unity with Nature and harmony each other.”

Fred Øesch (pronounced “Esch”) is the principal of Øesch Environmental Design [Ø.E.D.] near Charlottesville, VA.
Fred has a combination of education, technical experience, teaching, and management of human and material resources; encompassing the full range of design disciplines.

Øesch has designed and built alternative architecture, custom interiors, furniture, and fine art for more than 35 years.
His specialties include Master Planning and Architectural Design, inc. passive and active solar, earth shelter structures, and healthful materials and environmental control systems.

Fred Øesch is available for Residential, Commercial, and Land Planning Design projects world wide, inc. Project Management, lectures, and leading Design / Build workshops.

November 10th: Dr Robert Avtar Moore, D.O.
Topic: The Laws of Nature and Osteopathy

About the talk:

This workshop/lecture will give you insight into your spiritual path and daily life by synchronizing your perspective with the laws of nature that he uses in his osteopathic practice. These teachings will combine his thirty years as a student of Yogi Bhajan and traditional Osteopathy.

Dr. Avtar Moore is one of the few Traditional Osteopaths in the country.  He is thought to be the only Sikh Traditional Osteopath in the country.

In this tradition a patient’s health issues are addressed by improving the Health through use of his highly skilled hands.  As needed, this unique skill is combined with guidance in lifestyle changes, nutrition, spirituality, customized exercises, pharmacology and navigating the modern medical system.


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